about me

Hello there!
Some of you might know me under a different name but out on the cloud I'm Cherry (see profile for boring details). In the mean time, here are some more things about me.

1. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, and know that he is my standing place before the Father. I know that on my own, I could never be good enough to satisfy God's perfect standard, but I am trusting in Someone who was perfect (Jesus Christ) and who has clothed me with His righteousness, so now I can be with God. Hallelujah, what a Savior! 1 Peter 2:24

2. I have had a wonderful growing up experience at a place I will always call home. If you know where that is, good for you. Isn't it great?

3. I have been blessed with two Godly parents and a wonderful friend in a sister. I love them dearly.

4. I am going to college for a nursing degree, which I pray the Lord will use for His glory, possibly overseas.

5. I love (almost) all things vintage.

6. I enjoy sewing (vintage patterns help), singing, children, the out-of-doors, birds, and life.

Thanks for stopping by,
with love,

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