Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Secret Sister

I really think that I could get into this "reality blogging", where I take actual photos of my projects, and don't just leave you with a vague idea of what I did! So with that said: our church ladies are doing a secret sister gift exchange where we all draw a name out of a hat and then pray for that lady and make them a gift. I was fortunate enough to draw the name of a dear sweet saint in our congregation named Lois. She is the spunkiest eighty-three year old woman I know and she is on fire for the Lord. She was a nurse during World War II and she still volunteers three days a week at the nursing home in town (I tell you that lady is cool :) Well my project I made her is a hand painting on canvas of her name (seen below) and will soon, I hope, be framed. (It's hard to see, but the "I" is a white daisy) So now, instead of trying to visualize it, or giving you a likeness found on the web, you can see the real deal for yourself. Enjoy!
Love, ~Cherry~

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